What Historic Progress Has Occurred With Respect to Atlanta Urban Watersheds?

This blog post was written by Tyler Corby as part of the Spring 2018 UGA Urban Ecology class. Atlanta’s watersheds occupy unique niches that demand special consideration.  Downtown developments sit atop a watershed division that directs westerly runoff into the Chattahoochee River and ultimately into the Gulf of Mexico and easterly runoff into the Atlantic Ocean.  Cumulatively, these watersheds impact hundreds of miles of aquatic waterways and two major marine bodies of water. Atlanta—and many…

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How Does Local Knowledge Change Watershed Management?

This blog post was written by Rebecca Parsons as part of the Spring 2018 UGA Urban Ecology class. Picture a big decision being made about stormwater management in your city. What do you envision? A fancy boardroom in a government building, long and nondescript table, figures in suits gathered around it? While this is what many of us imagine, the picture of decision-making in cities across the nation, and across the world, is set to…

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