Purpose of the WLN

To learn more about navigating the website and the history of the WLN, please view this presentation. We have also created a video describing the origins and purpose of the WLN below.

What is the purpose of the WLN?

The purpose of the Watershed Learning Network is to develop a diverse learning community where participants have the materials needed to learn about:

Who should use the WLN?

The Watershed Learning Network is for everyone, but we constructed these resources with three kinds of people in mind:

How Should You Use the WLN?

Please navigate through website at your own pace. If you are trying to answer any of the following questions, we have provided some suggestions as to how you might most effectively use the Watershed Learning Network.

Are you trying to learn more about your watershed so that you can engage in local watershed governance?

  • Click on the first module and read about what you will learn in the module.
  • Proceed through each of the questions listed in each module in the order in which they are listed on the website.

Are you interested in initiating and/or leading a Watershed Learning Network in your own town?

  • Go to the “Learn” tab on the Main Menu
  • Click on the first module and read about what you will learn in the module.
  • Proceed through each of the questions listed in each module in the order in which they are listed on the website.

To visually represent the relationships that we will discuss in the WLN and how they are related to the human condition in urban watersheds, we have designed a model, pictured below.

We acknowledge that this model may not represent what is going on in your watershed; therefore, we encourage you to use this visual representation as a guide to see what we will discuss in each module, rather than a representation of every situation in urban watersheds.

Watershed Systems Model

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